Theological Journals


12.3 (July 1940)
The End of the First Gospel (F.F. Bruce)

14.3 (July 1942)
Some Aspects of Gospel Introduction: Part One (F.F. Bruce)

14.4 (October 1942)
Some Aspects of Gospel Introduction: Part Two (F.F. Bruce)

15.1 (January 1943)
Some Aspects of Gospel Introduction: Part Three (F.F. Bruce)

Journal of Pastoral Care and Counseling

Journal of Pastoral Theology

Journal of The Evangelical Theological Society
12.1 (March 1969)
Joshua–2 Kings: Deuteronomistic? Priestly? or Prophetic Writing? (G. Van Groningen)
An Analysis of the Roman Catholic Congress on the Theology of Renewal in the Church (Charles Tipp)

12.2 (June 1969)
Is Man His Own God? (John Warwick Montgomery)
The Quest for Objectivity (Walter Johnson)
A Major Ecumenical Problem: Revelation, Tradition, and Church (Charles Horne)
Irony in Jeremiah's Prophecy of a New Covenant (Wilber Wallis)
A Note on Elijah's "Fire from Yahweh" (John Ruthven)
Thank God for the Genitive! (Robert Countess)

12.3 (September 1969)
Isaiah 1:18 - Declaration, Exclamation, or Interrogation? (Robert Duncan Culver)
Prevenient Grace: A Wesleyan View (Leo G. Cox)
"Son of Man" as a Self-Designation of Jesus (Richard Longenecker)
The Ecclesiological Product of the Ecumenical Movement (Michael Popcock)
The Linguistic Evidence for the Date of "Ecclesiastes" (G.L. Archer)
Ideal Versus Real History in the Book of Joshua (Adrian Jeffers)

12.4 (December 1969)
The New Testament Doctrine of the State (Ronald B. Mayers)
The Image of God in Man (Gordon H. Clark)
The Theological Significance of the Exodus (Irwin W. Reist)
Typology as a Means of Interpretation: Past and Present (Stanley N. Gundry)

13.1 (March 1970)
Justification by Ignorance: A Neo-Protestant Motif? (Carl F.H. Henry)
Martin Luther and the Mission of the Church (Charles Chaney)
An Exegetical Study of Genesis 6:1-4 (Leroy Birney)
Eschatology - The Controlling Thematic in Theology (Charles M. Horne)

13.2 (June 1970)
Jurgen Moltmann and His Theology of Hope (David P. Scaer)
Tekoa: Historical and Cultural Profile (Martin H. Heicksen)
The Eschatological Hermeneutics of "Epangelicalism": Promise Theology (Walter C. Kaiser, Jr.)
Mythology and the Book of Job (Elmer B. Smick)
A.J. Gordon and the Impact of Biblical Criticism (Bruce Shelley)

13.3 (September 1970)
The Evangelical and War (William E. Nix)
The Theology of the Future and the Future of Theology (Vernon Grounds)
The Apocryphon of John: A Case in Literary Criticism (Andrew K. Helmbold)

13.4 (December 1970)
Interpretation of Genesis (G. Van Groningen)
Anthropology and the Nature of Man (James O. Buswell III)
Church Functionaries: The Witness and the Literature and Archeology of the New Testament and Church Periods (W. Harold Mare)
The Christology of Irenaeus (Irwin W. Reist)

14.1 (March 1971)
Theology No Issue: An Evangelical Appraisal of Rosmarin's Jewish-Christian Theological Barriers (William W. Bass)
Leviticus 18:5 and Paul: Do This and You Shall Live (Eternally?) (Walter C. Kaiser, Jr.)
The Gnostics and History (Edwin Yamauchi)
Karl Rahner on the Death of Christ (John W. Williams)

14.2 (June 1971)
The Bible and God's Revelation in History (Ismael E. Amaya)
The Bible and History (Merrill C. Tenney)
The Vision of God in Philo and John: A Comparative Study (Donald Hagner)
Early Periodization of Redemptive History (Arnold D. Ehlert)
Violence in the Name of Christ: The Significance of Augustine's Donatist Controversy Today (Gordon R. Lewis)

14.3 (September 1971)
The Covenant with Moses and Its Historical Setting (Cleon L. Rogers, Jr.)
The Centrality of the Scripture (Homer A. Kent, Jr.)
A Survey of Evangelicalism in America (W. Glyn Evans)
Continuity in the Old Testament Historical Literature (R. Laird Harris)
The Prophet Hosea: His Marriage and Message (John H. Johansen)
Christian Humanism (Charles M. Horne)
Paul's Apostolic Self-Consciousness at Athens (Edward Fudge)

14.4 (December 1971)
Man Come of Age: Bonhoeffer's to the God-of-the-Gaps (Richard H. Bube)
Simeon, the Tenth Tribe of Israel (Leon J. Wood)
The First Harmony of the Gospels: Tatian's Diatessaron and Its Theology (Edward A. Johnson)
Name Terms of the Old Testament Prophet of God (Eugene H. Merrill)

15.1 (March 1972)

Kerux: The Journal of Northwest Theological Seminary
1.1 (May 1986)
A Sermon on Hebrews 12:1-3 (Geerhardus Vos)
Rabboni: A Sermon on John 20:16 (Charles G. Dennison)
The Conquest of the Cross: A Sermon on Colossians 2:15 (Robert Drake)
Life, Light, Lamb... and the Logos: A Sermon on John 1:1-18 (James T. Dennison, Jr.)
The Church and Proclamation: A Sermon on Matthew 3:1-12 (Lawrence Semel)

1.2 (September 1986)
A Sermon on 1 Peter 1:3-5 (Geerhardus Vos)
A King and a Cripple: A Sermon on 2 Samuel 4:4; 9:1-11; 16:14; 19:16-17, 24-30 (James T. Dennison, Jr.)
Behold My Servant: A Sermon on John 9 (David L. Roth)
Your Life is the Worship of Jesus Christ: A Sermon on John 1:14 (William D. Dennison)

2.1 (May 1987)
Biblical Theology in the Study and the Pulpit (James Oscar Boyd)
Life for Land: A Sermon on 1 Kings 21:1-29 (Stuart Jones)
Election and Transformation: A Sermon on Genesis 25:19-34 (Lawrence Semel)
What is Biblical Theology? Reflections on the Inaugural Address of Geerhardus Vos (James T. Dennison, Jr.)

2.2 (September 1987)
A Sermon on 1 Corinthians 15:14 (Geerhardus Vos)
The Raising of Levi: A Sermon on Luke 5:27-28 (Cornelius Tolsma)
Paul on the Damasus Road: A Sermon on Acts 9:1-19 (James T. Dennison, Jr.)
Jesus, the Multitudes, and Us: A Sermon on Matthew 5:1-2 (Charles G. Dennison)

2.3 (December 1987)
Pax Romana, Pax Christi: A Sermon on Luke 2:1-20 (James T. Dennison, Jr.)
The Bronze Serpent History: A Sermon on Numbers 21:1-9 (T. Hoogsteen)
Samaritan Hospitality: A Sermon 1 Kings 13 (Stuart Jones)
Remember the Risen Christ: A Sermon on 2 Timothy 2:8 (Robert B. Strimple)
Bethel: House of God: A Sermon on Genesis 28:10-22 (William D. Dennison)

3.1 (May 1988)
A Sermon on Psalm 25:14 (Geerhardus Vos)
The Garden of Jesus' Agony: A Sermon on Matthew 26:36-56 (Derke P. Bergsma)
The Claims of Wisdom in Proverbs 8:1-36 (William C. Davis)
Wisdom and Folly: A Sermon on Proverbs 9:1-6, 13-18 (Steven M. Baugh)

3.2 (September 1988)
A Sermon on Isaiah 57:15 (Geerhardus Vos)
Luke 4:16 - Redemptive Historical or Exemplary? (N.H. Gootjes)
The Rape of Tamar: A Sermon on 2 Samuel 13 (James T. Dennison, Jr.)

Leadership Journal

Reformed Review

Reformation Today

Southwestern Journal of Theology
49.1 (Fall 2006)
The Biblical Model of Adoption (John M. Yeats)

49.2 (Spring 2007)
Will We Correct the Edinburgh Error? Future Mission in Historical Perspective (David J. Hesselgrave)

50.2 (Spring 2008)
Christology of Preaching (Steven W. Smith)

52.1 (Fall 2009)
A Greek Lectionary Manuscript at Southwestern (John W. Taylor)

Tyndale Bulletin
1 (Summer 1956)
Jeremiah 7:22 (J. Alec Motyer)
Penetration of Graeco-Roman Society by Christianity (E.A. Judge)
Modern Christological Trends (A.M. Stibbs)
Unpublished Hymns by Charles Wesley (J. Dale)

2 (Winter 1956)
A Recently Published Egyptian Papyrus and Its Bearing on the Joseph Story (K.A. Kitchen)
The Death of St. Stephen (P.A. Blair)
The Ground of Justification (G. Felce)
More Unpublished Hymns by Charles Wesley (J. Dale)

3 (Summer 1957)
James 1:18 and the Offering of First-Fruits (F.H. Palmer)
The Lukewarmness of Laodicea (M.J.S. Rudwick)

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