01 May 2010


I haven't blogged in a while... just a quick update:

1. Together for the Gospel was great! All the videos for the main sessions can be found here. I had a great time... met up with some friends old and new, including some whom I have only recently met through social media.

2. I just finished reading "Dont Waste Your Life" (click here for the free online version) by John Piper. We are using "DWYL" as a resource for the Youth Ministry at church. I plan on writing a review soon. A few brief comments about the book... I enjoy how Piper writes. He takes the main idea or focus of his book and attacks it from all angles (each chapter being a different angle). Also, it is a very practical book; filled with advice and encouragement on how not to waste your life and show Christ as preeminent in every facet.

3. I started reading by D.A. Carson. I am not even past chapter one and I love it. If you want to strengthen your Bible interpretation skills, I suggest you purchase it. Knowing Scripture is important, but understanding it is crucial... and while we have, in our language, a sufficient translation of the original languages, it is important to have some grasp of hermeneutical (hermeneutics = the study of interpretation) and exegetical (critical explanation and/or interpretation) principles. I have, in the past, been guilty of eisegeting (reading my own interpretation into the text) the Scriptures and in my pursuit for proper exegesis (reading and understanding the original author's intent and purpose in writing), I still make interpretive mistakes (i.e. contextual, historical/cultural, lexical, etc.). Hopefully, by God's grace, this book will help me grow.

4. Men's study switched to Wayne Grudem's Systematic Theology (we were using Millard Erickson's). We are currently studying the doctrine of the Atonement.

5. Random...

New issue of Themelios at The Gospel Coalition

For the Sake of the Gospel (June 4th) with Alistair Begg & GC Squared

Michael Horton on "The New Calvinism"

Michael Horton on The 2010 Desiring God Conference Controversy

D3 Conference at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (June 28-July 1)

That's all for now. Soli Deo Gloria!

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